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    Charity Navigator Logo

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    Charities can earn beacons by logging into the Charity Navigator Nonprofit Portal and providing the necessary data.

    Providing Guidance Through Beacons


    Our Encompass Rating System™ provides a comprehensive analysis of charity performance across four key domains, which we call "beacons." These beacons and their individual ratings can be seen for each of the charities you search. Learn more about each beacon below.


    We are continually developing new methodologies to deliver a more robust and comprehensive evaluation of charity effectiveness and efficiency. Our team not only relies on research and analysis, but also engages donors, sector leaders, charity executives, academics, and many other stakeholders to identify, develop, and validate new metrics and approaches. For more information, visit our methodology guidebook

    • Charity employees with material goods
      Impact & Measurement
      Find out how much benefit the charity’s program(s) achieve relative to the cost required to run it.
    • Charity employees with chart and computer
      Accountability & Finance
      Find out if the charity is accountable, transparent, and financially efficient and sustainable.
    • Charity employees in conference room
      Leadership & Adaptability
      Find out if the charity has the leadership capacity, strategic plan, and ability to adapt or respond to changing circumstances in order to better achieve its mission.
    • Charity employees with hands together
      Culture & Community
      Find out if the charity implements practices that strengthen its overall organizational health and is responsive to its beneficiaries.

    Interested in seeing our evolution over time? Read our Release Notes to stay updated on improvements made to our website, rating criteria, and methodology.

    Use Our Ratings to Guide Your Giving

    Browse by cause area and apply filters to find highly rated charities working on the causes closest to your heart.